The manual sets forth the guidelines and procedures for the actions of the First Trustee District Caucus of the American Dental Association. The manual sets forth rules for doing the business of the First District Caucus but does not take precedent over the by-laws. The New England Dental Leadership Conference is not a function of the District 1 Caucus of the American Dental Association and therefore procedures for it are not addressed in this manual.
Members to the caucus are appointed in conformity to the by-laws of each state according to rules governing their state. The total number of delegate members is set by the ADA and each state may choose up to an equal number of alternate delegates to be caucus members. The members of the caucus should be designated within the time frame proposed by the ADA. Substitution of delegates to the caucus will follow the rules and procedure set forth by the ADA.
Ex-Officio members
These members are selected by the Caucus Chair in consultation with the Executive Directors of each state component of the district.
Member responsibility
Members are required to attend all regular and special meetings of the caucus, all meetings of the caucus reference committee that he/she is appointed and the corresponding ADA reference committee at the annual session. If unable to attend any meeting, it is the responsibility of each member to be sure an alternate member of the caucus from his state serves as a substitute and the Caucus Chair and secretary are notified so that the alternate has proper voting privileges.
The election procedure and duties for the Trustee are covered in the by-laws of the First District and the by-laws of the ADA.
Caucus Chair
In the absence of the Caucus Chair, the Trustee may designate one of the caucus members to serve as chair pro tem for that meeting from which the chair is absent. No vote of the caucus is needed. If the chair is unable to continue to serve his/her term, the Trustee should nominate a new chair mid-term with approval from caucus members according to by-laws.
Other officers
In the event that an appointed officer cannot finish his/her one year term the trustee may appoint a caucus member to complete the term with no vote needed.
Reference Committee Assignments
Members of each reference committee shall be appointed by the Caucus Chair. Each reference committee should have the privilege of having ex-officio members. Terms of reference committee members shall expire annually at the adjournment of the annual session of the ADA House of Delegates.
Caucus Staff
The staff from the office of the state society of the Caucus Chair will serve as the caucus staff. The caucus has no paid staff.
Staff responsibilities are: assist coordinator, hospitality, suite arrangements, meeting arrangements, meeting material, etc. District will reimburse the state society for expenses incurred to fulfill these tasks as outlined according to the by-laws.
Task Forces
The Caucus leadership may on occasion deem it advisable to establish a Task Force to assist with a specific matter. Task Forces established in this manner are permitted providing there are no budget implications. Any Task Force that has a budget implication must be approved by a majority of the caucus members. All Task Forces must have at least one representative from each state within District 1.
Task Forces will have a singular purpose. They cannot take independent action but will provide advice for the caucus to consider before the caucus acts. The life of Task Forces are short duration and are dissolved upon finishing the tasks appointed.
Regular Meetings
The caucus shall hold at least two meetings annually. Funds shall be available in the budget for that purpose. Regular meetings of the caucus shall be held at the call of the Caucus Chair within one month of the ADA annual session and on the day following the ADA Reference Committee hearings.
Special Meetings
Special meetings can be held at the call of the Caucus Chair, District Trustee, or upon the written request of a majority of the caucus members. These meetings may be held through various media outlets if necessary.
Round Table Meetings
These special meetings are held periodically at the request of the district trustee. Attendance is by invitation from the Trustee and Caucus Chair. Attendance may consist of the caucus officers, State ED's, state presidents and president/elects, ADA council members, ADA officers, past district officers, trustees, ADA officers, and other invited guests.
It shall be the duty of the Caucus Chair and Secretary to prepare the agenda for the regular or special meetings and to send copies in advance to all members of the caucus and the executive directors of each state within District 1.
Items of new business not listed on the agenda mailed in advance may be considered at a regular or special meeting provided that approval is obtained by two-thirds vote of the caucus members.
The order of business for regular meetings of the caucus shall be determined by the Chair. The Caucus Chair and Secretary have the authority to alter the order of the agenda at their discretion
Roll Call
An official roll call shall be taken at each meeting and included as part of the meeting summary minutes.
Details for the voting process of the First District are set forth in the district bylaws and shall be followed as such.
The Secretary shall prepare and distribute a report of the unofficial Minutes of the meeting by e-mail. The Minutes shall be approved at the next meeting or by e-mail vote. Only approved Minutes shall be posted on the web site.
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a permanent e-file with back-up of all Minutes of caucus meetings.
General Purpose
The purpose of a district suite is to provide members of the first district space for committee meetings, state meetings, unexpected caucus meetings, and social gatherings. The Caucus Chair is responsible for providing a key to the suite to each state president and caucus officer. The chair will also provide a schedule for use of the suite. Responsibility for hosting the suite shall be shared among the members of the caucus based on a prearranged schedule. Social gatherings are for the district and not private social entities. The suite shall not be used for any ADA campaigning/election needs as outlined in ADA election guidelines.
Reference Committees
In lieu of a short caucus on arrival at the ADA Annual Session, District 1 reference committees may use the district suite for meetings by reserving time with the Caucus Chair. This recognizes the value of our members time while at ADA meeting and the cost savings for the district.
Other Uses
Requests for use of the suite for any other function must be made through the Caucus Chair and must be approved by the presidents of all six state delegations. All ADA regulations controlling the use of suites must be followed.
Cost to the district would be: suite rate along with minor costs incurred for basic supplies (less than $500) less room rate that would have been incurred by the occupant less any dollars from sponsors. The district is not responsible for any cost related to having alcoholic beverages in the suite Major expenses over $500 must be approved by a vote of the caucus. Financial support for suite costs may be solicited.
Occupancy of the adjoining rooms to the suite is determined by the Caucus Chair.
General Expenses
All reimbursement amounts are made in conformance with polices set out in this Caucus Manual and the By-Laws of the First District of the ADA. The district Secretary/Treasurer has the fiduciary responsibility and oversight of the first district finances. All expenses approved by caucus vote must be reviewed by the secretary/treasurer in consultation with the caucus chair before being submitted for payment. The caucus should not engage in expenses that have not been prior approved/voted by the caucus membership as necessary to fulfill the duties assigned to it through the by-laws.
The Massachusetts Dental Society CFO (or staff designee) is the caucus financial administrator who handles the day to day administration of the first district caucus financial book. This includes payment of all properly submitted/reviewed bills to vendors, sending of invoices to state dental societies, collecting reimbursements from state dental societies to the caucus, providing quarterly statements to the secretary/treasurer, and balancing the account. The caucus financial administrator will pay the incurred expenses and following reconciliation will bill each state according to the pro-rated allocation established in the by-laws based on the number of delegates assigned to each state by the ADA.
A base of at least $3,000 will be maintained in the First District account to handle any expenses that should arise. A credit card will be issued to the ED of the Caucus Chairs’ respective state as well as the Caucus Chair and Secretary Treasurer to use for district expenses as necessary.
Only the Secretary/Treasurer and the ED of the caucus chair can present expenses/bills to the caucus financial administrator for reconciliation.
Administrative costs incurred by the Caucus Chair, their administrative staff, and the caucus financial administrator, will be billed on an annual basis to the district.
Treasurer’s Report
The Secretary/Treasurer will provide an annual report to the caucus prior to the ADA annual session each year. This report should be part of the approved Minutes posted on the web site.
Following the lead of the ADA to have a paperless House of Delegates post 2012, the First District caucus is paperless as well.
The website is hosted by the approved webmaster. This position shall be reviewed on an annual basis.
All communications to be placed on the website include district news, Minutes, rosters, Council, Committee, and Task Force reports, as well as any pertinent information deemed important for the functioning of the district. Any such information shall be submitted to the Secretary Treasurer for posting. The Caucus will be informed of such postings by email. Each state is responsible for providing pertinent updates through a designated communications individual to be placed on the district site.
The website, not email, is to be the primary site for discussion forums on issues important to the caucus members.
All reports and records are maintained in electronic files with back-up.
ADA council reports are posted on the website by the Caucus Secretary for all to view.
All approved Minutes of the caucus are posted on the web site by the caucus secretary.
The annual session of the ADA report is posted on the ADA website so there is no need to post such on the district website.
Master Calendar
Both the yearly calendar and the long range planner is posted on the web site and it is the duty of the secretary to keep it up to date. The Secretary of the caucus should be in communication with the secretaries of each state in district 1 at minimum of twice a year to comprehensively maintain the calendar.
The caucus does not discipline. Infractions of rules or procedures and attendance issues will be directed to the appropriate state officers to be handled within their state’s delegation. The district follows the ethics and code of conduct put forth by the ADA.
Establishment of Policy
No member may initiate or implement a new policy or a major extension or alteration of an existing policy without the prior approval of a majority vote.
Public Statements
No member may issue a public statement in the name of the caucus unless the authority has been granted by a majority vote.
Conflict of Interest/Disclosure
Members have an obligation to disclose any personal or business relationship they or a member of their immediate family may have with a company or individual doing business with the ADA when such company or individual is being discussed at a meeting of the caucus. Having made this disclosure, the member will be allowed to discuss and vote on the issue.
Sexual Harassment or Discrimination
The Society strongly disapproves of any action or conduct by members that could be viewed as sexual harassment or discrimination of any sort. A member who has a complaint must bring the problem to the attention of caucus officers. It will be referred to the state delegation of the offending party for action.
All complaints will be promptly handled, with special consideration given to concerns about confidentiality.
Rules of Order
The caucus shall be governed by The American Institute of Parliamentarians Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure in its parliamentary proceedings except in case of a conflict with our District 1 bylaws or district procedure manual.
Suspension of Rules
These rules may not be suspended or amended without approval of the majority of the caucus members.
The Strategic Plan, this procedure manual and the caucus effectiveness and spending will be reviewed by an appointed task force with each new Caucus Chair (4 years) and a report presented to the members.
© 2025 First District Caucus