

Amended October 15, 2021

I. Composition

  1. In accordance with Chapter IV, Section 30, Bylaws, American Dental Association, the First Trustee District is composed of the following Constituent Societies
    1. Connecticut State Dental Association
    2. Maine Dental Association
    3. Massachusetts Dental Society
    4. New Hampshire Dental Society
    5. Rhode Island Dental Association
    6. Vermont State Dental Society

II. Purpose

The purpose of the District shall be to represent the interests of the constituent state members within the American Dental Association, and to provide a forum for discussion of statewide and regional issues relating to the profession and oral health – as described below:

  1. To represent the interest of the dental profession of this District at the ADA House of Delegates
  2. To organize and conduct the affairs of the District in an orderly and efficient manner
  3. To strengthen the position of the District in association affairs on all matters pertaining to the profession of dentistry
  4. To receive the report of the First District Trustee
  5. To develop opportunities for discussion about topics relevant to the profession and the district
  6. To provide a Caucus where delegates, alternates, and member constituent societies may present resolutions and other matters for consideration, support, or approval
  7. To inform and encourage the representatives of the member constituent societies to be more effective in matters before the ADA House of Delegates
  8. To develop strategies and assign speakers to testify the ADA House of Delegates on issues of interest to the District
  9. To select by ballot, when required, a nominee for the office of Trustee in accordance with the Bylaws of the American Dental Association, Chapter VII, Board of Trustees, Section 40. Nomination, Sub-section B. Multiple Constituent Districts.
  10. To confirm a Caucus Chair in accordance with these Bylaws
  11. The Caucus shall not usurp the authority of the individual constituent society delegations to act on their own behalf. However, in an effort to strengthen the position of the District nationally, the Caucus may submit resolutions, amendments to existing resolutions, and/ or take whatever action it deems necessary to promote the positions that best serve the member constituent societies.

III. Caucus Membership

  1. Active Members
    1. Membership in the caucus with voting privileges as specified in these bylaws shall be defined as and limited to all members of the First Trustee District certified by the American Dental Association as Delegates or Alternate Delegates. Each state shall determine their Delegates and Alternates on an annual basis or as they see fit
  2. Ex-Officio members
    1. The following individuals shall serve as ex-officio members of the caucus with privileges of the floor but without the right to vote or make motions:
      1. Member constituent society officers that are not delegates or alternate delegates and executive directors.
      2. Current ADA officers
      3. One ASDA member dental student from each of the dental schools within the District.
      4. Members who may have been identified by constituent societies as delegates or alternates for the next Caucus.
      5. Current First District members who have served as an ADA Officer or Trustee

IV. Meetings of the Caucus

  1. There shall be a minimum of two meetings of the Caucus each year to be held prior to and during the Annual Session of the American Dental Association.
  2. Any additional meetings of the Caucus, as deemed necessary may be called by the Trustee, Caucus Chair or a majority of the delegates and alternates of the district.
  3. Electronic conferences are considered meetings of the caucus provided they meet the criteria of these bylaws.
  4. Attendees
    1. The following individuals may attend the caucus:
      1. Invitees of the Trustee or the Caucus Chair to present information to the caucus but with no other privileges of the floor. Any member wishing to have a guest address or attend the Caucus must have prior approval of the Trustee and/or the Caucus Chair.
      2. Other guests by majority vote of the caucus.

V. Quorum

  1. A quorum of the caucus consists of 60% of voting members with representation from each constituent society.

VI. Voting

  1. All delegates and alternates may vote on all Caucus matters except as stated in the next paragraph.
  2. Only seated delegates will vote on matters pertaining to the Bylaws and in elections of the Caucus.
  3. Any First District resolutions will require a majority of all delegates and alternates present and voting prior to submission to the ADA HOD.
  4. Electronic Voting- Unless otherwise restricted by these bylaws, any action required or permitted to be taken by the District may be voted on via electronic method if a majority of the members consent through telephone conference, web conference, fax, mail, or electronic mail. Voting on Caucus and District issues may occur via the aforementioned methods as long as a quorum is obtained as described in Section V of the Bylaws.

VII. Officers

  1. Trustee
    1. Eligibility, Selection, and Term of Office
      1. Any ADA member serving as a Delegate, Alternate Delegate, or Secretary from the constituent societies is eligible to be Trustee.
      2. The Trustee shall be nominated and elected in the manner prescribed in these Bylaws and in compliance with the Bylaws and other governing documents of the American Dental Association.
    2. Duties
      The Trustee Shall:
      1. Be The senior officer of the Caucus and the First District of the ADA
      2. Report the business of the ADA at all Caucus meetings
      3. Nominate a Caucus Chair in accordance with these Bylaws
      4. Appoint a Secretary/Treasurer, and two Whips
      5. Initiate all calls to the Caucus except as otherwise prescribed in these Bylaws
      6. Make such other appointments or assignments not covered in these Bylaws, as deemed necessary, to conduct the affairs of this Trustee District.
      7. Appoint an election committee for the election of the incoming Trustee
        1. The Election Committee shall be convened by July 1 of the year of the election
        2. The committee shall consist of six (6) seated delegates, one from each member constituent society. The current Trustee shall be a member of the Election Committee in an advisory capacity, but shall have no vote.
        3. One member from a constituent society that does not have a candidate shall be named Chair, by vote of the Election Committee.
        4. The Election Committee shall present the candidates for Trustee Elect to the Caucus at the preconvention Caucus. Additional nominations may be made from the floor of the Caucus.
        5. Before the ballots are cast, each candidate shall be allowed a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes to use at his/her discretion, of which at least five minutes must be reserved for Questions and Answers. This fifteen-minute presentation shall take place without the other candidates present.
        6. The Election Committee:
          1. Shall prepare the ballots which shall contain only the names of the candidates in alphabetical order;
          2. Shall distribute one ballot in a sealed envelope to each seated delegate present at the Caucus as the Secretary/Treasurer calls the roll of eligible seated delegates; who then proceed to a secure/private area.
          3. Shall ensure that the Ballots shall be “voted and “cast” in a confidential manner by use of a secure voting area, at which one delegate at a time votes privately.
          4. Shall collect the ballots in a covered container;
          5. Shall then proceed to a private area to count the ballots;
          6. Shall report the result to the Caucus as soon as the count is completed
        7. A majority vote of the seated delegates present and voting shall elect the Trustee Elect.
        8. If there are more than two candidates, and one does not attain a majority vote:
          1. The candidate with the lowest number of votes shall be dropped and there shall be another ballot of remaining candidates;
          2. If two or more candidates tie with the fewest votes, (and there are two or more higher candidates, the two lower ones) those with the fewest shall be dropped and there shall be a new ballot with the other candidates;
          3. If two or more candidates tie for the fewest votes and only one candidate receives greater, all three shall be re-balloted until this situation changes.
          4. These procedures shall be repeated immediately until one candidate receives a majority vote and is elected Trustee-Elect.
    3. Election Procedure for Trustee
      The process is as follows:
      1. The candidates for Trustee shall announce their candidacy no earlier than January 1st (first) of the third year of the current Trustee’s four-year term.
      2. The candidates are encouraged to visit the Constituent Societies.
      3. The election shall take place at the preconvention Caucus the same year (third year of the current Trustee’s four-year term).
      4. A majority vote of the delegates present and voting shall elect the trustee-elect.
  2. Caucus Chair
    1. Eligibility, Selection, and Term of Office
      1. Any ADA member serving as a Delegate, Alternate Delegate, or Secretary from the member constituent societies is eligible to be Caucus Chair.
      2. The Caucus Chair shall be nominated by the Trustee, when elected, at the District first preconvention Caucus and confirmed at a Caucus meeting during the subsequent ADA Annual session by a majority vote of the Seated Delegates present and voting. If the nominee is not confirmed, the Trustee will nominate another person.
      3. The confirmed Caucus Chair shall serve a four-year term in concurrence with the trustee, beginning at the end of the Annual Session at which selected, or until the successor is confirmed. 
    2. Duties
      1. Shall be responsible for the notification of all eligible persons of all scheduled meetings within a reasonable period of time to ensure full participation.
      2. Shall preside over all meetings of the District Caucus.
      3. Shall, in consultation with the Trustee, supervise all correspondence.
      4. Shall, in consultation with the Trustee, make all Reference Committee assignments of Delegates and Alternates and appoint a Chair to report to the Caucus for each Reference Committee.
      5. Shall appoint a Resolutions Committee, made up of six (6) members including a Chair, one from each constituent society, to draft and transmit resolutions from the caucus to the Secretary to the House of Delegates.
      6. Shall appoint a Bylaws Review Committee, made up of six (6) members including a Chair, with one representative from each constituent society.
      7. Shall be present on the floor of the House of Delegates for the entire meeting.
  3. Caucus Secretary/Treasurer
    1. Eligibility, Selection, and Term of Office
      1. Any ADA member serving as a Delegate, Alternate Delegate, or Secretary from the constituent societies is eligible to be Caucus Secretary/Treasurer
      2. The Caucus Secretary/Treasurer is appointed for a period of one year by the Trustee, in consultation with the Caucus Chair, renewable for a maximum of four (4) years.
    2. Duties
      1. Shall work under the direction of the Trustee and/or the Caucus Chair and fulfill all duties assigned.
      2. Shall be responsible for recording attendance at Caucus meetings.
      3. Shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of all meetings and publishing the appropriate minutes and the call of the meeting.
      4. Shall be responsible for the oversight, collection, and expenditure of all monies necessary to affect the business of the Caucus.
      5. All bookkeeping will be done at the MA Dental Society by MDS accounting department personnel. The Secretary/Treasurer shall render an annual financial report to the caucus based on the financial statements prepared by the MDS accounting department.
      6. Shall maintain the district webpage and social media.
      7. Shall deliver Caucus records to the next Secretary/Treasurer at the end of the term of office.
  4. Caucus Whips
    1. Eligibility, Selection, and Term of Office
      1. Any ADA member serving as a Delegate or Alternate Delegate from the member constituent societies is eligible to be one of our two Caucus Whips
      2. The Caucus Whips are appointed for a period of one year by the Trustee, in consultation with the Caucus Chair, renewable for a maximum of four (4) years.
    2. Duties
      1. Shall work under the direction of the Trustee and/or the Caucus Chair and fulfill all duties assigned.
      2. Shall be responsible for assisting the Trustee and Caucus Chair in fostering strategic alliances between the District delegation and other delegations of the ADA House of Delegates.
      3. Shall work with the Caucus Chair to develop strategies to promote the interests of the district at the ADA House of Delegates.
      4. Shall organize and facilitate testimony and other floor activities for the delegation during the course of reference committee hearings and ADA House of Delegate Sessions.
      5. Shall be responsible for ensuring communication between reference committee chairs and the Caucus Chair regarding all resolutions being tracked by the delegation for testimony and/or amendment.
      6. Shall provide orientation to new first district delegates and alternates at the pre-convention caucus meeting on an annual basis.

VIII. Officer Vacancy

  1. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Caucus Chair, Secretary/Treasurer, or Whips, an interim officer may be appointed by the Trustee to fulfill the unexpired term of that vacancy.

IX. Protocol for First District Support of National Office Candidates

  1. A district vote for support of any National candidate cannot be held unless the candidate is supported by their constituent state society or association by written announcement to the District by January 2nd of the year prior to the formal announcement.
  2. This rule may be suspended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the seated delegates present and voting.
  3. The caucus will then have a closed ballot vote. The proposed candidate must secure at least 2/3 of the caucus vote to qualify for district endorsement and financial support.

XI. Finances

  1. The finances of the Caucus shall be managed by the Caucus Secretary/Treasurer.
  2. All expenses incurred by the District for official business of the caucus and ADA Annual Meeting shall be prorated on the basis of the number of delegates from each of the constituent societies.
  3. The Caucus Chair shall be reimbursed for lodging and meals at the preconvention caucus.
  4. The Caucus Chair and the Caucus Secretary/Treasurer shall be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses in the conduct of their office.

XII. Amendments

  1. These Bylaws may be amended at any legally constituted meeting (Notice and Quorum) of the District by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the seated delegates present and voting, provided that a thirty (30) day notice is given of the proposed amendments.
  2. These Bylaws may be amended by unanimous vote of the seated delegates without notice.

XIII. Parliamentary Authority

  1. The rules contained in the latest edition of the American Institute of Parliamentarians Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure shall govern this Caucus unless superseded by these Bylaws or Special Rules.